Hello Max, at the risk of being annoying, when will additional functions be available? My deadline for some forms is in a week. For example, I need the text editor for the text area. Actually also reading from the database for Checkboxes Group (CF7 -> json_decode).
CF8 - 8.0.15 - More functions
8.0.15 is now available for download, it has the editor for textarea, and you can now encode or decode values returned by shortcodes:
{var.encode:read_data3.field_name} // will json encode {var:read_data3.field_name}
OK thank you. A first quick test and it works with the editor. There are conflicts with the badword filter, I emailed you about it. But that's not so critical. The filter is only used for public purposes, so I don't use the editor.
Do you have an idea how I can limit the functions in the frontend? For CF7 I overwrote the file with the editor settings.
you can use "data-toolbar1", "data-toolbar2", "data-toolbar3" HTML attributes in the textarea to customize the buttons of the editor
data-toolbar1=code visualblocks | undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify
data-toolbar2=bullist numlist outdent indent | link image media | forecolor backcolor | hr | removeformat | preview
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