
Latest Chronoconnectivity with joomla 4.3.4

mayergreenberg259 12 Oct, 2023
Is there a chronoconnectivity for joomla 4.3.4?
From this web page ( it sounds like its packaged with chronoforms8.
Is this true? I haven't seen it in my chronoforms8 installation. Can anyone show me what to do?
Max_admin 12 Oct, 2023
it's packaged in v6 for J4

v8 is supposed to get a "listing" feature.

What are you trying to do with Connectivity ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mayergreenberg259 12 Oct, 2023
I am trying to show a web page that shows a list of rows in a mysql database table. Using chronoconnectivity is easier than writing the select statement manually and formatting it into html. Thats what I am trying to do with chronoconnectivity.

Does such a thing exist for joomla4 ?
Where can I find it?
Where is the listing feature in chronoforms8?
Max_admin 12 Oct, 2023
so you just need a table list of rows in the database table ?

Any other features this list should do ?

if this is what you need then this is supposed to be available in the next v8 update, scheduled for the weekend
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mayergreenberg259 12 Oct, 2023
Thats the main thing it should do.

I'm coming from using chronoforms5 and chronoconnectivity5, and I am upgrading our site to use the latest versions. I would like to be able to do everything I could do on the old site with v5.
That would specifically include being able to click a 'view' button on the row, to go to a chronoform that views that row in more detail. I'd also like to be able to do the same with an edit button.
I'd really like to be able to provide buttons/links in each row to link to any chronoform I want, to be able to take full advantage of chronoforms to do whatever custom actions I want.

I'd also like the ability to select certain fields from the database table to show on the chronoconnectivity 'list' page.

Basically, I'd like to be able to do anything chronoconnectivity5 could do.
Are these abilities available for joomla 4. Are they all in chronoforms now?

Thank you for your reply.
Max_admin 17 Oct, 2023
Having a full featured Connectivity or Connectivity mode on v8 is on the todo list, but for now we have a new Table View in v8.0.15 which you can use to show a "list" of table records, please try that and let me know if you face any issues
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mayergreenberg259 25 Oct, 2023
I found the table view.

How do I get it to work? What information do I enter into the "Date Path", "Header Text", and the "Class".
Without adding any table columns, the page is blank.
When I do add columns, the page throws an error: "in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given".
How do I get around these problems.
HKG 26 Oct, 2023
'Data Path' refers to the name of the parameter in the database from which you want to make a Table view.

'Header Text' is the name in the top of the column in which these parameters will be displayed.

'Class' refers to additional style elements you may want to use for that column.
Example: enter 'xyz' as the class. Add a 'CSS view', and define there this class: .xyz{background-color:yellow;}

To get rid of the error you mention, select at least one 'Sortable'.

Hope this helps.
ChronoForms user...
mayergreenberg259 29 Oct, 2023
Thank you for your help. I have some more questions:
1) does the table view have the ability to show data from more than 1 table using sql joins?
2 in the table view, can variables in the 'where statement' change dynamically based on data submitted in a form, or does the entire where statement have to be written in the form editor (with no dynamic changes allowed)?
3) does this table view have the ability to link to 'view' and 'edit' pages?

Again I'd like to point out that I am coming from chronoconnectivity 5. All these things I'm looking for were in chronoconnectivity 5. Do they still exist in chronoforms 8. If not, will they be at some point in the future?
What is the solution for a joomla 4.4.0 website to get chronoconnectivity (with all the features available in v5)? Does the software exist?
Colnem 31 Oct, 2023

On CF7, you can emulate Chronoconnectivity with by an Advanced form, using Table List element.
For example, it's possible to create à listing of #_users joomla table, with possibility to block/unblock every users on backend/frontend, like CC6.
mayergreenberg259 31 Oct, 2023
I understand that I can emulate chronoconnectivity with the table.
Please answer my 3 questions from my last post. Do those abilities exist or not?
Colnem 01 Nov, 2023
There is a connectivy mode packaged with Chronoforms7/Joomla 4.4.0.
I don't know with CF8.

But I repeat: with CF7, you don't need a Chronoconnevity mode to list a table and filter fields.
Max_admin 01 Nov, 2023

The features for listing are supposed to come in Connectivity 8 later, Chronoforms 8 only has a Table view to list data from a single database table
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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