
Form/Site Automatically Sending Emails

LikeStuff 28 Sep, 2023
Hi there,

Why am I getting the below sent to me? I am not sending anything using the form but as soon as I log into the site I get about 2/3 emails like this:

This is a list of form data:
Your Name	
Your Email	
Phone Number	
Order Number	

rbock 29 Sep, 2023
Do you have an email action built in? If so, where exactly?
Max_admin 30 Sep, 2023
what site ? your site or here on ?

if it's your site then does any of your forms have an email action setup with the email body having this content ?
ChronoForms developer...
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LikeStuff 06 Oct, 2023
Hi Max,

Sorry, my site.

This is what is in the Email body.
This is a list of form data:<br>{email:data_table}

When I test the form I get the form with the content that is entered, but I also get another email with this:

This is a list of form data:
Your Name
Your Email
Phone Number
Order Number

What do I do to prevent the extra blank email I'm getting?

Max_admin 10 Oct, 2023
how many email actions do you have in your form ?

sometimes there are browser plugins or joomla plugins which may reprocess the page and cause this issue, so please try a different browser and test the form using the "view" form link in the admin area
ChronoForms developer...
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LikeStuff 01 Feb, 2024
Hi Max,

It's still doing this. As soon as I go to the contact page, without doing anything, it sends me several blank emails.

Below is the email information:

Your Name
Your Email
Phone Number
Business Name

Any idea how to fix this?

Max_admin 01 Feb, 2024
most probably you have email actions in the "Load" event of your page
ChronoForms developer...
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LikeStuff 01 Feb, 2024
Hi Max,

Can you please be a bit more clear in what you mean and what would fix the issue. I've been at this for a while now and it's still not working.

I'm also trying to add a screenshot here but there's no way to do that😟

LikeStuff 01 Feb, 2024
On the Load tab I have

Max_admin 01 Feb, 2024
Do you have any "Actions" on the Load section of your page ?

I mean, in v8 each page has Load & Submit, so if you place an Email action in the "Load" then it will fire when you open the form, which is happening in your situation

if this is not the case, then where in your form did you place the "Email" actions ?
ChronoForms developer...
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LikeStuff 01 Feb, 2024
The Email action is on the Load tab. Where should I put it?

Max_admin 02 Feb, 2024
under the "Submit" in most cases, you want the email to be sent when the form loads or when the form submits ? you should place it accordingly
ChronoForms developer...
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LikeStuff 02 Feb, 2024
It's fixed now. Thanks!

1) How can I change the url that is showing after the form is sent.

This is what I see:

This is what I would like:

2) As soon as I place the cursor in the email field the message below shows up. Is there a way to make it display when I exit the field and ONLY if the email address is not entered or valid.
A valid email address is required.

3) How can I show a thank you message at the top of the page after the email has been sent. When I add an HTML message it shows but the form disappears. I don't want the form to disappear.

LikeStuff 08 Feb, 2024
Any suggestions to the questions above? Or a tutorial that I can refer to?
Please and thank you🙂
Max_admin 13 Feb, 2024
Hi LikeStuff

1- not possible, the form alias should be passed in the URL so that the form can work correctly, why do you need to remove it ? this url is not seen by search engines.

2- possible with a code hack

3- not possible, you may however place a big link "Submit another form" or something similar
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