Im doing a form in v7 that is supposed to use TCPDF to send the data as a PDF for the admin. In the checkboxes fields, i wanted the PDF to show the result as a real checkbox, like a square filled or not. In this moment, the checkbox in PDF is showing the number '1' as its filled. How can i do it? The same happens with the Dropdown. The Dropdown in PDF shows also the '1' for the first choice, '2' for the second, etc...
Thank you.
if you use {data:field_name} then you only get the field value, which is 1 or whatever
if you need a checkbox then you need to add the HTML for that in the TCPDF content code
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hello my friend.
I want to add a script to my html code. Where can i add it?
And also css to tcpdf, is that possible?
Add them inside javascript and style tags in the Content box of your TCPDF action
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?