
The delete button does not work

arielgawrys810 05 Sep, 2023
I want to have a form in which the user can add themselves a maximum of 5 MultiFilds(as in the picture) together with a delete button for that row. Unfortunately the delete button does not work for me and does not delete any row. What am I doing wrong? What should the correct configuration look like?

The "add" button duplicates what I need😉
Another question is how to export the final data to XLS.

arielgawrys810 06 Sep, 2023
Can someone from the service department reply to this post? How am I supposed to work with your component when it does not work and there are no instructions?

I feel this is my wasted money ???
Max_admin 06 Sep, 2023
did you enable and configure the "Cloner" behavior in the repeater area ?

Please note that Chronoforms is free till you decide to buy, it's recommended to test all the features you need before buying, and the repeater is one of the "most complex" features available.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
arielgawrys810 06 Sep, 2023
My configuration was posted in a forum post and it seems to have been deleted by someone.

In the image, you can see what my form looks like. Please take a look at the link below.

In theory, I've configured how the repeater should work. I've defined the expected behavior for both the clone button and the delete button. While the clone button is functioning correctly, unfortunately, the delete button is not.

Here's the setup for the delete button:
Button delete -> Repeater Action -> Delete Clone; Repeater Area -> contact.start_page.- Repeater 4.

I'm wondering if there's something I might be doing incorrectly or if there are any specific details I should be paying attention to?

At this moment, it's crucial for me to resolve this issue and get it working. Ten days of the free version is proving insufficient for thorough testing.

<img src="" >
Max_admin 08 Sep, 2023
In another post another user confirmed v7.0.10 fixes the issue, did you try that ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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