
Chronoforms 8.x checkbox for the search/filter function

rbock 15 Aug, 2023
Hello Max...
For CF7 I have to solve this quite awkwardly. 1 checkbox and a hidden dropdown field. That works so far. However, this leads to duplicate IDs. It would be cool for CF8 if a checkbox for search/filter functions could be used here.
Max_admin 17 Aug, 2023
How are you doing this ? you submit the form/list on the checkbox change ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rbock 17 Aug, 2023
I want to search/filter by the value of the checkbox in a list. As is possible with the drop-down fields in CF7. See
rbock 19 Aug, 2023
Good morning... Is there a solution planned? There are still no limit/filter/order/search functions available in CF8.
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