
Drag Elements by touch on iPad

Schatzmeister 12 Aug, 2023
I‘m a little bit disappointed about new Chronoforms 8. I have some forms built in V6. It‘s impossible to convert it into V8. So I decided to make new V8-forms. But the problem is that I‘m currently on vacation and have only an iPad here. Unfortunately I‘m unable to drag some elements into the pages because a drag by touch doesn‘t work.

IHMO the newest version of such a component should work on touch devices too. Is there a way to do this or do I have to wait for an update or V9.

Greetz Marcus
Max_admin 15 Aug, 2023
You can do it after you come back from vacation!🙂

The drag and drop feature is rarely asked for by users, but may be added in the future.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Schatzmeister 15 Aug, 2023
Thanks for your reply. I’m looking forward to the next update.

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