
Joomla upgrade issues

sorn38 10 Sep, 2008

I mentioned in another Thread that i recently took over a website and am helping them out with respect to keeping it up-to-date, and upgraded. I did the initial install on the site, but after that i was hands off and they went "hog wild" on installing Extensions.

Because of the recent Vulnerabilities, they got hacked, they asked me to step back in and keep it secure. I restored a back-up and then preformed the upgrade from 1.5.0 to 1.5.6


I'm still working on figuring out what happened, but when I upgraded the Joomla site from 1.5.0 to 1.5.6, All Forms give an error message.

Fatal error: Class 'JDate' not found in /home/metropar/public_html/modules/mod_placehere/helper.php on line 72

I'm not saying it has anything to do with Chronoforms yet, but I am curious to see if there are others that might have seen this issue.


Progress I have made so far :

I backed up all the forms and then Uninstalled Chronoforms. I re-installed the version I believe they were using and then re-uploaded the forms. This action corrected all forms that were built in as part of a page, but left any form that was a page unto itself broken. Also clicking on any link in the Forms management area produces the same above error.


Any help is appreciated, as I never saw the forms in the first place and re-building them isn't something I want to mess with.

Max_admin 11 Sep, 2008
Hi sorn,

which Chronoforms version did they have ? how did you restore forms ? database backup ? if yes then its necessary to know the exact version they had, the error you get is because of some module which holds the mambot to show the form in a module, does it show in Admin area also ???!!!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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