In the original v6 of Chronoconnectivity in the Functions tab (under the database -> "read data" option) there was a Box for "where conditions" and you could enter something like:{data:article_id}
However in the new version of v6 the box is missing and instead you need to enter the function separately into four boxes: TABLE FIELD NAME; CONDITION; VALUE; NULL VALUE I am not a coder and am really struggling with this. Could someone please breakdown{data:article_id} into the appropriate boxes for me? I have tried multiple different combinations but cannot get it to work!
Thanks so much!
However in the new version of v6 the box is missing and instead you need to enter the function separately into four boxes: TABLE FIELD NAME; CONDITION; VALUE; NULL VALUE I am not a coder and am really struggling with this. Could someone please breakdown{data:article_id} into the appropriate boxes for me? I have tried multiple different combinations but cannot get it to work!
Thanks so much!