
Sorting Link forcing lowercase in url

Admiral 11 Jun, 2023
I am using Chronoconnectivity 6.2 and it looks like there may be a bug in the url generation for the Sorting Link. If the database field has an upper case character in it, the case is ignored and the url generated is all lower case. for example this is the url generated using Link Sorter note that 1841ukcensus_id is all lower case. however, the field id should actually be upper case ID

THIS is the entry in the sorting link field: 1841ukcensus.ID

If I manually change the URL to: ?view=connection&orderfld=1841ukcensus_ID&orderdir=asc Then the column sorts correctly on the website.

Suggestions Max?

Admiral 25 Jun, 2023
Have you been able to confirm this? if so could I get a patch for this or guidance on what file to edit?

Max_admin 03 Jul, 2023
Unfortunately issues like this may be hard to fix, the new v6.2 is using the v7 core files which works in a different way.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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