
TCPDF problem

Ogui3 30 Apr, 2023
Hello everyone,

I purchased a chronoforms license and downloaded and installed tcpdf through the "extend" module of chronoforms.

However, impossible to use the TCPDF module. When I add it to an action, I always end up with a blank page.

The file is not generated (no upload or store possible). Moreover, in debug mode, nothing is displayed either.

I need this module because it should generate contracts, quotes and invoices directly on my website.

In terms of using chronoforms, I can consider myself an advanced user.

Does anyone have any help for me?

Max_admin 01 May, 2023

This is most probably because of your PHP version is higher than what is supported by the TCPDF plugin, the plugin needs an update to support newer versions of PHP

what is your PHP version ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Ogui3 01 May, 2023
Hi Max,

Sorry, I have forgotten to give it.
My system runs on php 8.

Max_admin 02 May, 2023
Ok, so a TCPDF library update will be needed for this to work.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Ogui3 04 May, 2023
Do you know how i can update TCPDF library on chronoforms ?
And where i found it ?

And have downloaded the last version available on this website but i have always a white page. Or maybe can i found a version to include in the package ?

Thanks for your help.
Max_admin 11 May, 2023
the TCPDF library from github needs to be added to the library of Chronoforms
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Ogui3 05 Jul, 2023
Good evening,

The problem is solved. Thanks for your help.

To be more precise and help other users, here is how I proceeded:

- I downloaded on Github the TCPDF library in its latest version (
- I connected in ftp on the server of my website and I replaced each file present by its equivalent from the package that I had downloaded

I then tested and now the pdf document generation works with php8

Good evening to all.



Le problème est résolu. Merci pour votre aide.

Pour être plus précis et aider les autres utilisateurs, voici comment j'ai procédé :

- j'ai téléchargé sur Github la librairie TCPDF dans sa dernière version (
- je me suis connecté en ftp sur le serveur de mon site web et j'ai remplacé chaque fichier présent par son équivalent depuis le package que j'avais téléchargé

J'ai ensuite testé et désormais la génération de document pdf fonctionne avec php8

Bonne soirée à tous.
dpi 13 Jul, 2023
Hi Ogui3,

I'm trying to do the same changes because my site runs on php 8 version but the pdf document generation don't works. What files do you had to replace on your ftp?

Best Regards
Max_admin 13 Jul, 2023
You can download the fixed version under Downloads > ChronoForms > v7 > TCPDF
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dpi 13 Jul, 2023
Hi max, I downloaded the fixed version but when I try to test TCPDF action under a form I have this error "The server returned a "500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong.". Checking with debug mode the error says:

Compile Error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported

.../plugins/system/chronog3_plg/chronog3/vendors/tcpdf/tcpdf.php (line 16901)

this is the line 16901
if (!empty($dom[$key]['value']) AND ($dom[$key]['value'][0] == 'h') AND (intval($dom[$key]['value']{1}) > 0) AND (intval($dom[$key]['value']{1}) < 7)) {

I also tried to set on my site php 7.4 and it works. How can I proceed?
Max_admin 13 Jul, 2023
Did you install the new library ? what is your PHP version ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dpi 13 Jul, 2023
My php version is 8.0 actually, i downloaded the latest version of TCPDF version under this link below:
Ogui3 16 Jul, 2023
Good morning,

I simply replaced all the files that were already present in the archive that is available on the chronoengine site.
I didn't add any of the other files present in the version provided on github.
The first time I had inserted all the files and tcpdf was not working on my site. I redid the initial installation then I replaced the files one by one.

Good evening.



J'ai simplement remplacé tous les fichiers qui étaient déjà présents dans l'archive disponible sur le site de chronoengine.
Je n'ai ajouté aucun des autres fichiers présents dans la version fournie sur github.
La première fois, j'avais inséré tous les fichiers et tcpdf ne fonctionnait pas sur mon site. J'ai refait l'installation initiale puis j'ai remplacé les fichiers un par un.

Bonne soirée.
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