
ChronoForms 7 Contact Form Broken

gcarne 16 Mar, 2023
I have installed ChronoForms v7 into Joomla 3.10. The contact form is ok when called in background from Components => ChronoForms7 Admin View and Front View. On my Website it is ok the first time the page is called, or if the Cashe has just been cleared, but after the second call, without prior clearing of the Cashe, it is broken. The Website is www-logopä and the menu item with the contact form is KONTAKT. Does anyone know what the reason might be?
GreyHead 16 Mar, 2023
Hi Gunnar,

It looks as though your site is loading some CSS that over-rides the form's default styling.

gcarne 16 Mar, 2023
The Problem is still there after my Upgrade to Joomla 4.2.9. I do not have any CSS, other then the standard stuff from the template (the template is Joomla 4.x conform). Is it possible to set the ChronoForm 7 so that it does not get overridden by the template styling.
Max_admin 18 Mar, 2023
Does the "front view" form link in the forms manager work better ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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