
where is the "basic form" mentioned in the FAQs?

lividsnails 09 Sep, 2008
The FAQs suggests that to get started one should download the "basic form" from the downloads page but it's not there? Where does one find this "basic form" to download?

Also why is there a mambot for J.1.5 version? i thought "mambots" were for J.1.0?

Also it would be helpful to explain whether one needs to download the component PLUS the plugin and/or "mambot" or just the component. It's not clear. Some installation instructions would be a good place to clarify this for new users.
Max_admin 09 Sep, 2008

check our tutorials at the downloads section for how to install PDF, you need only the component to start building forms, there is no basic form for V3.0 BETA 2, the basic form for earlier versions can be found somewhere in the downloads section, mambots for J1.5 are called plugins, but we used to say mambots!🙂


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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