
DropDown fields

quimqu 09 Sep, 2008

I have downloaded and installed your component and it seems really good. I have one questions regarding the Dropdown fields. I need to connect two drodown fields, so that the second one is filtered by the field chosen in the first one. Do you know how could I do this with ChronoForms?

Another thing is that I would like to have the textbox with tinyMCE editor or simmilar (like in this blog). How could I do this?

Max_admin 09 Sep, 2008

to do this filtering you need JS, get it from somewhere on google and just add the JS to Chronoforms JS box.

to get the editor, you need a code like this :

$editor	=& JFactory::getEditor();
<?php echo $editor->display( 'maintext',  '' , '100%', '350', '75', '20', false ) ; ?>

inside the HTML box
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