
Can't get a curl call to work

telekallis 19 Dec, 2022
I try to use the curl action to send a POST in Chronoforms 7. I have made sure that the receiving end works but when using the curl action (url + 4 key/value parameters) the curl does not get sent. Is there anywhere where I can read up on the curl action? I havent found and documentation or examples.
Is there anywhere where I can find a log of the attempted actions and maybe a hint of why it is not working?
Any insights on the curl action in much appreciated!
Max_admin 21 Dec, 2022
Hi Karl,

All actions add some info in the form debug, the curl will show any errors or the response in the form debug, turn on the form debug and check it for info.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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