
Connectivity "Link" and "Switch"

dsimonse 01 Nov, 2022
I'm trying to move from CCv6 to CCv7-app but I'm missing some features(?)
1/ In v6 (views) there is a Element "Task Button" that you can configure as "delete" and "delete confirm" - How achieve this in v7?
2/ In v6 (views) there is a Element "Link" that you can configure a column as clickable to a "Detail list" - How achieve this in v7?
3/ In v6 (views) there is a List "Detail list" that you use to display the details of table row - How achieve this in v7?
4/ In v6 (functions) there is a Logic "Switch" that you use to confirm the deletion of a row - How achieve this in v7?
5/ In v6 (function) there is a Database "Delete Data" where one can select "Protect against full deletion" - How achieve this in v7?

Colnem 02 Nov, 2022
In CF7, it's not necessary to use Chronoconnectivity Mode (CC7 Mode). You can do the same in Chronoforms Mode (CF7 Mode).

1) &2) I don't understand.
3) Details List CV6: Table List in CF7, that you call in CC7 mode by {fn:table_list_Unit_name}.
4) Logic Suite CC6: You have to use Behaviors/Data/Run Conditions in each Element. For many elements, use an Action Group or a View Container with Run Conditions, in which you set your elements.
5) No protect against full deletion in CF7/CC7.

I think that replicate your CC6 form in a CC7/CF7 form is not the best method. It's better to rethink what your form have to do.
dsimonse 02 Nov, 2022
Hi Colnem,
Thanks for trying to help me.
What I'm trying to achive is a look like this at Frontend:

And when I click on the blue link I get this:

1/ Well the CC6 "Task Button":"row_delete_link" I put "Event":"delete", "Content": <i class="icon trash"></i>, "Class":"ui button icon compact red circular", "Open a popup": "{view:row_delete_confirm}".
And the CC6 "Task Button":"row_delete_confirm" I put "Content": "Apply", "Class":"ui button icon compact red fluid", ".URL and/or URL parameters":"ungdom_id={}", "Dynamic result":"remove/closest:tr"
2/ Well in the CC6 "Link":"ungdom_view_link" I put "Event":"view", "Content":"{var:ungdom_list.row.ungdom.kurser}", "URL and/or URL parameters":"ungdom_id={}, "Target":"parent"
3/ In CC6 in the Details List you have a "Data Provider" where I call "{var:read_row_ungdom.ungdom}". in CC7 its not available. But ther is a "Local Vars" there so I guess I put the line "{var:read_row_ungdom.ungdom}" there? Do I need a name? Do I put in the curly brackets as well?
4/ I CC6 the "Switch":"check_delete_result" I put "Data provider":"{var:delete_row}", "Values setup":"true:{success:row deleted successfully.}
false:{error:row deletion failed.}.

So, What I want to achieve is in above images, how its done in CC6 I tried to explain. But ho to do it in CC7 it not obvious to me.

Colnem 03 Nov, 2022

It's very difficult to do that you want in CF7... Specially to delete some fields from a table list.
But it's possible! I do that in one of my form.

Please, send me an email adress by private message…
dsimonse 12 Nov, 2022
Got extremly good help from Colnem so the forms works very well now!

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