
Chronoforms7 database create, read, write and update - Joomla4

jeabramian 22 Sep, 2022
Hello All

I'm trying to create a form so users can upload a text and an image. This info should be written to a table in the Joomla database (Chronoforms 7 and Joomla 4). I was able to create the form and show it on the front page. But I cannot make the submit button do anything. I saw a section where I can set the parameters to enter my J4 database, but I cannot find the way to submit the data and write it in a table. I watched the video tutorials but these topics are not specifically addressed. I also found a tutorial in the forum, however, it is for an old version and did not help me.

I'd appreciate if anyone can help me! Any updated tutorial? Documentation? Example?

GreyHead 22 Sep, 2022
Hi Jorge,

Please check the form from the Admin view and see if it works there. If so then there may be a JavaScript error on the frontend page that is stopping it submitting.

jeabramian 22 Sep, 2022
Thanks for your answer GreyHead,

In the Admin view the form does not show. It only shows a legend " This form was created by ChronoForms". I did not code anything, nor Javascript, nor php.
I'm trying to find "the Save Data action" that you mentioned in another post. Cannot find that either. I'm in the dark...

GreyHead 22 Sep, 2022
H Jorge,

If you are using the basic Contact Form then there is a Log Data setting which is enabled by default.

If you use the Advanced Form Setting then there are a series of Database Behaviours including 'Save Data'.

If you don't see the from in Admin view then something is seriously wrong. If you load a Demo form does that display correctly?

jeabramian 22 Sep, 2022
Thank you Bob,

I started from scratch and now I can see the forms both in the front and back end. In the pages tab, I set up 1 text box, 1 text area, and 1 button. The configuration of the submit button:
type: submit,
advance settings: submit page;
submit page: form.end_page (did not change the default name of the form). But I don't have a second page (the end_page is left blank)
Everything else left blank.
In the Form Settings tab:
Alias: form-22sep22-1704
Type: advanced form
Advanced settings: external database: The database name is the one I use in Joomla, localhost, user is root, password I left blank, db type is mysqli, and prefix dat_
Behaviors: check security fields, upload files, validate files, confirmation messages, debug, log data
I used for the upload files: e:/wamp64/www/mylocal/temp

As I said, the form is up, but nothing happens when I press the submit button. No log I can see. The confirmation message doesn't show. The debug windows says:
    [option] => com_chronoforms7
    [cont] => manager
    [chronoform] => form-22sep22-1704
    [gpage] => end_page
    [name_and_lastname] => jeaabaraa
    [project_description] => Provide a short description of the project
Don't know what is missing! Could you help?

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