
Stripe integration

threecats 22 Jun, 2022
I'm working on setting up a form with Stripe integration un J4 / CF7. However, I'm not sure what I'm doing. I've set up a "product" in Stripe for the item I want to sell, I have the secret key, publishable key, success and cancel URLs, redirect button (the submit button), and the currency entered - correctly, I believe. However, when I go to the site, I get the message "Error getting the products list."

What am I missing?
Max_admin 29 Jul, 2022
Hi Paul,

You need to use a shoppoing cart action and select it in the Stripe action!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
threecats 29 Jul, 2022
I see that in the component, however, when I click the dropdown, there are no options.
Do I need a separate shopping cart extension like Virtuemart or Hikashop?
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