I made a simple form that saves data in a db. It works perfectly.
I need to call a php file with the ID of the corrisponding saved record ID: load.php?id=XX
Using the debugger I've seen that the ID (23) of the saved record is conatined in the "save_data_20" array :
Array ( [save_data_20] => Array ( [result] => Data saved successfully! [dataset] => Array ( [option] => com_chronoforms7 [cont] => manager [chronoform] => ControlloCF [gpage] => end_page [IMP_CdFis] => 00000123456 [IP_RicCdFis] => MRYWLM80A01H501H [IP_RicDtSogg] => Mario Rossi [IP_RicDataN] => 17/05/2022 [__cf_token] => 250ed622-a766-483d-a4b3-39f09ac7c520 ) [log] => Array ( [0] => INSERT INTO `pratiche` (`IMP_CdFis`, `IP_RicCdFis`, `IP_RicDtSogg`, `IP_RicDataN`) values ('00000123456', 'MRYWLM80A01H501H', 'Mario Rossi', '17/05/2022'); ) [var] => Array ( [IMP_CdFis] => 00000123456 [IP_RicCdFis] => MRYWLM80A01H501H [IP_RicDtSogg] => Mario Rossi [IP_RicDataN] => 17/05/2022 [id] => 23 ) ) [php_27] => Array ( [returned] => NULL [var] => NULL ) )I tried several ways but I cannot rertieve the "id" value in order to use it in a php action.
Any suggestion?