
Data Save in Chronoforms 7.0

pgrnycomdir 15 May, 2022
I hate to be stupid here, but I am trying to redo all the forms on an organizations website. I have to switch to Chronoforms 7 from version 6. And that is because of Joomla 4 and php version upgrades.

I tried doing the simplest form, a contact form.

BUT I cannot find where you SAVE DATA to the datatables in Joomla. I cannot even find where you would add actions. What am I missing? Would be excellent if there was a YouTube video tutorial on this, but alas there is not.

Also a bit alarming is the statement posted by Max. Is this going to be a real product or what are we to think? I would hate like hell to start doing all these forms (and some are very involved with switches, etc.) only to find out the product is going away.

Thank you in advance for any help, suggestions, or comments to the post by Max that you may be able to offer.
Colnem 16 May, 2022

For a simple contact form, you don't need to save datas... Just send a mail...
For advanced form you can see at Demo Forms how to save datas.
For the big alarming, I think like you...
pgrnycomdir 16 May, 2022
Thank you for your answer. But I am doing this work for an organization and all data is saved and reported on in month end reports.

I will look at demos for advanced.

Thank you
gilliancowe 18 May, 2022
Hi Donna,

Did you find a demo form that saved the data? I'm struggling with this too.

Thank you,
pgrnycomdir 18 May, 2022

The only thing I found was reply from HealyHatman to someone else's question about this.

It basically stated that you had to create the data table within phpMyAdmin. I don't know about you, but I am very uncomfortable doing anything but downloading from there. I do not understand php and I cannot afford to mess up this organization's website. And no one else within the organization understands Joomla let alone coding.

I do not understand why this feature of autosave to database was taken out of the version 7.0. It was in 5 and 6 and that is why we loved the product. Not so much love now.

I have stared looking at other form builders, but have not found any that have autosave to database features without you having to write code.

I'm really struggling here. We have 7 different forms that have all types of information and confirmations sent to emails via switches and now I'm at a loss!

These all need to be updated to run under Joomla 4.0 and new version of php.

Let me know if you find any assistance or something else please.

Best regards,
gilliancowe 18 May, 2022
Hi Donna,

I really appreciate your reply. I am finding V7 is much harder to understand, I'm upgrading from V4 to V7, I loved V4 but I'm really not getting to grips with V7.

The only help I've found is this post I don't have a working form yet, in fact trying to add the save step has broken my form completely, but it has given me some idea of what's required.

My skill level sounds about the same as yours, I'm giving up for now. My head hurts!

If I work it out, I'll let you know.

pgrnycomdir 18 May, 2022

I am on my second rounds of updates. Use to have version 5.0, then went to 6.0 (designing was not great with this), however designing the form in version 7.0 is a breeze, it's the database and switching I'm totally not understanding.

Good luck and hope you can figure it out. Meanwhile I'll keep playing around with it. I've got until November 2022 before I'm SOL.

Colnem 19 May, 2022
Hi Guys (or Girls)

You have 3 ways to save your datas in a database table.
1 - You can use Settings of your form, Behaviors/Data/Log Data. Datas will be recorded in #__chronog3_forms7_datalog table.
2 - You can create a personal table in your database using PHPMyAdmin
3 - You can create a personal table using Settings of your form, Behaviors/Admin/Installer

Beware: it seems that you have to save ALL fields of the table, or use a default value (like Null or Defined) for empty fields else datas are not saved (tried with J4+PHP8+CF7 7.0.9).
After creation or modification of your table YOU HAVE TO DO A CLEAR CF7 CACHE!!!

I'm writing a documentation for CF7 in French language (just beginning!). I don't know everything about it. I'm adding to it as I go along…
CF7 is really a swiss knife for Joomla and the developer is an Ace. Unfortunately, version 7 is not well finalized (many bugs) and not well documented, specially in french!

Good luck
gilliancowe 19 May, 2022
Hi Colnem,

Thank you once again for your reply. I have worked it out at last thanks to your reply to another user. It was the second page part that I had missed.

Good luck with your documentation, I better brush up on my French! You are right the developer is Ace, I have been using Chronoforms for many years, he has made things easy for people like me who have limited technical knowledge.

I have written down my steps with screenshots for saving to the database so hopefully I can help others.

Many thanks,
ervinjason 02 Jul, 2022
It basically stated that you had to create the data table within phpMyAdmin. I don't know about you, but I am very uncomfortable doing anything but downloading from there. I do not understand php and I cannot afford to mess up this organization's website. And no one else within the organization understands Joomla let alone coding.

I do not understand why this feature of autosave to database was taken out of the version 7.0. It was in 5 and 6 and that is why we loved the product. Not so much love now.

I have stared looking at other form builders, but have not found any that have autosave to database features without you having to write code.
gilliancowe 03 Jul, 2022
Hi evrinjason.

I understand what you are saying. There are some good tutorials on YouTube for creating database tables in PHPMyAdmin. You don't need to know PHP once you have the table set up you can save the records using Chronoforms, it's just not as easy as before.

It took me a while, I didn't find it intuative, but I got it working.

thelathela088 27 Jul, 2022
I have stared looking at other form builders, but have not found any that have autosave to database features without you having to write code.
Max_admin 29 Jul, 2022
if you enable the "Log data" behavior in v7 under the form settings then all your form data will be saved automatically!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Colnem 30 Jul, 2022
Good new: Max is alive!
thelathela088 01 Aug, 2022
I understand what you are saying. There are some good tutorials on YouTube for creating database tables in PHPMyAdmin. You don't need to know PHP once you have the table set up you can save the records using Chronoforms, it's just not as easy as before.
boyjah 23 Sep, 2022
You are such a helpful forum poster! Please share a link to whatever CF7 documentation you have created or will create. Le français va bien! Do you have some way that we can contribute financially to your great efforts?
Colnem 23 Sep, 2022
I said I'm writing, not I have written.
I'm not a professional, I don't request money... and I do many thing over CF7. So , be patient...
pgrnycomdir 23 Sep, 2022

But this is not saved in the phpMyAdmin data table, is it???

Thank you in advance for your reply.
Colnem 24 Sep, 2022
PHPMyAdmin is not a database, but a tool to manage your SQL DataBase. So phpMyAdmin data tables don't exist.
In all cases, datas are saved in your SQL DataBase tables whom can be managed by PHPMyAdmin.
pgrnycomdir 24 Sep, 2022

Please excuse my stupidity.

All I wanted to know is if it would automatically save that I could access through the PHPMyAdmin.

Not all of us are programmers and some of us, like myself, may use the wrong terminology.

Colnem 25 Sep, 2022
You can acces of Joomla tables and personal tables (created with CF7 or PHPMyAdmin) through PHPMyAdmin to manage it.
But it's not necessary: you can use CF7.
JBS 24 Nov, 2022
Enabeling 'Log data' when using an Advanced Form does not seems to work? When using an Advanced Form, the added options to Settings > Behaviour where not executed? Like an email, you have to add a seperate action to send an email.
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