The error does not appear if I disable
$this->addJsFile(\G3\Globals::get('FRONT_URL').'assets/semantic-ui/js/dropdown.min.js', 'main', ['defer' => '']);
in plugins/system/chronog3_plg/chronog3/libs/document.php
But, I think, with an update this file probably will be overwritten.
How can I do to disable correctly this?
Please, try with Cassiopea template on this frontpage... And say me the result.
I've a custom template, I have not installed cassiopea in my site.
But I didn't say there are errors, simply I do not want a Semantic dropdown.
Thanks. You should have J4 template to compare when there is a bug.
For example, I have a bug with dropdown Element and Joomshaper Templates, but no bug with Cassiopea template. There is an interference between CF7 dropdown.min.js and bootstrap.bundle.js with dropdown element. So, Dropdown Code is modified.
May be your problem is a thing like this.
CF7 will update all <select> tags with the styled dropdown, if you do not have a <select> tag then your code will stay intact!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?