
How to find the container field as used in the demos

wallyhowe 21 Dec, 2021
I have been trying in vain to creatre a form from scratch and get the edit function to work in a CC6 listing even though I followed the demo forms.
Eventually I used the demo form and changed the relevant items to my own table and it all works fine.

The problem was that I could not find a field anywhere in the fields list or elsewhere that matched the one used in the demos for listing the fields in a form. See below:
Can someone please make my Christmas and tell me how to get this field displayed?

healyhatman 22 Dec, 2021
Instead of using the Fields item, you can just use a field and include it in the form area with {view:field_name}
wallyhowe 22 Dec, 2021
Many thanks healyhatman. That works for me.

Thanks also for all the good work you put to the forum.

Best wishes
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