
Cant get Checkbox selection in results...

gjanicoman 05 Sep, 2008
Hi ...I have setup a contact form with multiple checkbox selection.However in the form result i receive in my email i do not see the selection being made... the checkbox code as follows:

<DIV class="form_element cf_checkbox" ><LABEL class=cf_label >Service(s) Required*</LABEL>
<DIV class=float_left ><INPUT class="radio validate-one-required" id=Web_Design type=checkbox value="Web Design" name=Web_Design ><LABEL class=check_label for=Web_Design >Web Design</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id="_Web Hosting" type=checkbox value=" Web Hosting" name="_Web Hosting" ><LABEL class=check_label for="_Web Hosting" > Web Hosting</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=Template_Design type=checkbox value="Template Design" name=Template_Design ><LABEL class=check_label for=Template_Design >Template Design</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id="_Poster Design" type=checkbox value=" Poster Design" name="_Poster Design" ><LABEL class=check_label for="_Poster Design" > Poster Design</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id="_Logo design" type=checkbox value=" Logo design" name="_Logo design" ><LABEL class=check_label for="_Logo design" > Logo Design</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id="_Other design work" type=checkbox value=" Other design work" name="_Other design work" ><LABEL class=check_label for="_Other design work" > Other Design Work</LABEL><BR >

And the email result i get is always:

Service(s) Required*
Web DesignWeb Design
Web Hosting
Template DesignTemplate Design
Poster Design
Logo Design
Other Design Work
Max_admin 05 Sep, 2008

the wizard is not creating the best checkboxes or radios model yet, we are improving it now, so at the code above, and for best results, replace every checkbox value with value="yes", so you get a list of checkboxes and beside any one checked the word "yes"


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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