
Submit form does not work

eckart 02 Oct, 2021
I have a simple chronoforms7 form (, which works fine when calling from Firefox from my own computer. Does not work with Opera from my own computer.
Does not work with any browser from other computers.
After clicking "Submit" the page is reloaded with all contents, no mails are sent, no confirmation, no entry in the database.
Any hint?
Regards, Eckart
GreyHead 02 Oct, 2021
Hi Eckart,

I tried to take a quick look but I get this:

This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

eckart 02 Oct, 2021
Hi Bob,

this is strange. I do not hope, that since Brexit Britain has blocked all continental websites.

However: I assigned a SSL-Certificate to the website, so it should be reached with
Please try again.

GreyHead 02 Oct, 2021
Hi Eckart,

With https I can access the form.

The form appears to be submitting correctly but maybe is being redirected and so reloads???

Maybe the Action URL needs to be changed from the current:


If I add &tmpl=component to the URL to remove the template then the form does submit - I get this message:

Could not instantiate mail function.

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eckart 03 Oct, 2021
Hi Bob,
thank you very much for the detailed investigation.
Your hint about redirection was useful, so I looked into another corner.
The problem was not with chronoforms but my own:
I had by mistake two cookiehints activated, which obviously conflicted.
After disabling one of them, the problem is solved.
Regards Eckart

By the way, the reason for not accessing the website initially was a problem in the nameserver
of my webspace provider. They corrected it before you tried again yesterday afternoon.
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