
Chronoform7 and Google Chrome

ewadrel 14 Jun, 2021

I have created a form with 2 pages with uploads fields on each page, and conditional fields on page 2 (IF field X equals Y, then I display other fields). On Google Chrome, I have an error on an upload field (see the Javascript error attached). The file doesn't accept to be embeded in the field (field stays blank, with no attached file).

It does work on Firefox even though the error is visible in the Console. Gg Chrome doesn't seem to accept the "bug" while Firefox "accepts" it (the file is embeded on FF, not in Gg Chrome).

Any idea where the problem comes from Bob ?
ewadrel 14 Jun, 2021
Hmmm, I think I found where the problem comes from. I suspect the JQuery call to create Conflict as many JQuery calls are being made (Joomla + template + Chronoform component). I managed to make only one JQuery call using SimplifyyourWeb JQueryEasy plugin ( It clears code for making only on call. However it still hasn't resolved my problem... I'm searching

ewadrel 14 Jun, 2021
I have managed to fix my JQuery duplicates. Errors in console have disappeared. However, problem is NOT resolved. On page 2 on my form, I can't upload any file using Gg Chrome. No error are thrown out. Bob, any idea to help me out ? Maybe it is a browser related issue (as read on for example) ? I'm on Chrome 91.
Thanx for your ideas.

GreyHead 15 Jun, 2021
Hi Philippe,

Please post or PM a link to your form so we can take a quick look.

ewadrel 15 Jun, 2021

Email sent using your form on
Thank you for your help.

ewadrel 16 Jun, 2021
Hello Bob,

any news regarding this point above ?
Thank you,
GreyHead 16 Jun, 2021
Hi Philippe,

Thank you for the link. I have taken a look but can't work out exactly what is happening. I guess I am not familiar enough with the workings of CFv7 to track down the problem.

I suspect it is because when the radio button selection changes the validation on the part of the form that is then hidden is not working correctly so the hidden file input is still required. But I can't be sure of this :-(

My solution would probably be to put the hidden parts of the form into separate form pages so that on this page are just the radio buttons, then on submit you load either one of the two input forms, or, if the Radio selection is No, then complete the submission.

Max - the owner and developer - might well have a different suggestion, unfortunately he is away at the moment.

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