Hello, I know this is pretty basic but I can't get the validation to work. According to the tool tip, you just add in the filed names separated by a comma. Eg, name,phone,address. I've done this but the validation is not working.
I'm using version 3.0 J1.5 BETA 1 on a J1.5.6 site
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Jross, and you should also enable validation at the top, did you enable it ? can I see your webpage ?
you should also get BETA 2 because it got more issues fixed, but nothing with the validation changed because it was working!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Max,
yes validation is checked. Continued to play with it and actually got it to work but now everytime I save a form, the form name disappears in the Chrono Forms - Forms Manager area. The name of the form also disappears off the form URL and the form disappears from the frontend. Bizarre. (I've attached a screenshot to show what is happening if I edit a form)
I mentioned I'm using version 3.0 J1.5 BETA 1 on a J1.5.6 site. I forgot to mention I'm using legacy mode. Based on this, what version of Chrono Forms should I be using? Something buggy is happening and maybe I'm running the wrong CF version?
Hi Jon,
after you fix the no name issue you should get BETA 2 from the downloads area, there is some info there how to upgrade to it from Beta 1.
to fix the name issue, find in your form code a field with name="name", change it to name="fullname" or name="name1", only name="name" will make this problem!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I am having similar problem with the validation of multiple fields, e.g. firstname, surname, address.
Currently I am using ChronoForms 2.5 on a Joomla 1.5 website.
Should I install a later version of Chronoform?
Hi Norman,
please check our FAQs on how validation works on version 2.5!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?