
Send email to selected option from dropdown

ulydoy 13 May, 2021

I'm having trouble setting up the form to send email to the selected option from dropdown (i have 4 dropdown options, and each one of them goes to a specific email). I've seen a FAQ for Chronoform 6, but i can't follow on version 7.

I'm pretty basic in managing forms, so could anyone help with a step by step explanation?

Thank you very much
Max_admin 18 May, 2021
Please search the forum for "Alternative data", you need to use that behavior for this feature!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
ulydoy 19 May, 2021
Thank you for your answer. This worked just fine.

But now i get all messages in spam. I have added a recaptcha, but still goes in spam. What can i do?
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