
{chronoforms7}form name{/chronoforms7} doesn't work

ouryou 13 May, 2021
I downloaded Chronoforms v7 for Joomla 3.x and get it installed. After I created my form
I have put the shortcode to my form: {chronoforms7}formname{/chronoforms7}
But it is not showing up on the page... just the above shortcode showing.

Many thanks
Max_admin 13 May, 2021
use "form-alias" not "form name"
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
ouryou 13 May, 2021
Yes I used 'form-alias' not 'form name'.
In my case, my form name and form-alias are exactly same, both are 'booking'.
I used the automatically generated shortcode '{chronoforms7}booking{/chronoforms7}', which is shown in the form manager.
I checked the plugin 'ChronoG3_Plg' it's enabled.

Thanks for your help.
ouryou 14 May, 2021
Still can't get it worked, any ideas?
jmgroud 09 Jul, 2021
Do you have a response ?
I have the same problem...
GreyHead 11 Jul, 2021
Please post a link to the page with the form link so we can take a quick look.

jmgroud 11 Jul, 2021
Hello Bob
How can i give you the identification/password in a private message ?
GreyHead 15 Jul, 2021
Hi Jean-Marie,

Please click on my name, then the envelope icon at the bottom left.

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