
Chronoforms6 in JCE Editor Joomla doesn't work

dwdowczyk 30 Apr, 2021
Hi there! Please kindly help me with solving this problem out🙂

Two questions:

1) Why the form doesn't display correctly on my site It presents characters "{chronoforms6}formularz-kontaktowy-archi{/chronoforms6}" rather than displaying the actual form. I pasted the code "{chronoforms6}formularz-kontaktowy-archi{/chronoforms6} in the Code tab in JCE Editor attached to this site:

2) I tried another way of installing the form on my website, but there was another error. I embedded the form in the {loadmoduleid 299} module. It displayed correctly, but after sending (clicking on the button), it smashes the page (screenshot in the attachment) and does not send any e-mail.
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