
Chronoforms v5 deletes fields when saving

ocsavsaid 23 Mar, 2021
I was working on a joomla multipage form (2 pages so far) but had to change server so I backed up my form and now when I restored it on the new server everything works fine except that I cannot make any changes to the form as I am not able to save. When I press save it only takes a few seconds which is not normal for the size of this form and then, instead of saving the changes, all the fields on page two disappear. The containers remain but empty. I already tried the form on a local Xampp server and it works fine. It must be some server issue that I don't know. I also tried increasing the max numb Vars which is set to 1000 but it didn't make any difference. My Xampp server is also set to 1000 and it works. What else could I change in the server settings that could affect this?
Thanks in advance.
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