
linking to a new form

SwingeyP 16 Feb, 2021
I am trying to link to a new form can anyone help me with syntax please?
I'm guessing there has to be a POST somewhere here??
I don't want to use a button I just want the link to go to the next page of the form so kind of a submit when clicked. (JS onclick? - not sure of the syntax)
$link_address = '';

while (($emp = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_BOTH)) != false) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>"."<a href=$link_address&ref=".$emp['REFERENCE'].">".$emp['REFERENCE']."</a>"."</td>";
The code above just keeps me on the form I am already on.
SwingeyP 16 Feb, 2021
As an addition to the above here's a pic of what I am trying to do.

1. User enters reference number if that data is more than 5 days old show an error and return to the submission form.
2. User clicks one of the reference links (these are filtered less than 5 days old) - Why have both? Requirement spec! The link then takes the user off to the main form where the data is displayed and can be edited.

$conn = oci_connect($username, $password, $servername); 
if (!$conn) {
$e = oci_error();
echo(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES));
echo "<br>";

FROM $table

$stid = oci_parse($conn, $stmt);

echo '<table border = 1>';
echo "<tr><th style=width:20%>REFERENCE</th><th style=width:5%>SITEID</th><th style=width:12%>SITE NAME</th><th style=width:18%>DATE RECORDED</th><th>RECORDED BY</th></tr>";

$link_address = '';

while (($emp = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_BOTH)) != false) {
$CheckDate = $emp['DATERECORDED'];
$mydate = date_create($CheckDate)->format('d-M-y');
//echo 'My Date - ',$mydate.'<br>';
$threshold = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-5 days"));
$threshold = date_create($threshold)->format('d-M-y');
//echo 'Threshold - ',$threshold.'<br>';
$value = $threshold - $mydate;
//echo 'Value - ',$value.'<br>';
If ($value < '-5' || $value > '0') {
echo "<tr>";
//echo 'This data is greater than 5 days old!';
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>"."<a href=$link_address&ref=".$emp['REFERENCE'].">".$emp['REFERENCE']."</a>"."</td>";
$this->set("OracleReference", $emp['REFERENCE']);
echo "<td>".$emp['SITEID']."</td>";
$this->set("OracleSiteID", $emp['SITEID']);
echo "<td>".$emp['SITENAME']."</td>";
$this->set("OracleSiteName", $emp['SITENAME']);
echo "<td>".$emp['DATERECORDED']."</td>";
$this->set("OracleDateRecorded", $emp['DATERECORDED']);
echo "<td>".$emp['WHATISYOURNAME']."</td>";
//echo "<td>".$emp['NUMBEROFPOSITIVELFTTESTS']."</td>";
//echo "<td>".$emp['NUMBEROFVOIDLFTTESTS']."</td>";
//echo "<td>".$emp['NUMBEROFNEGATIVELFTTESTS']."</td>";
//echo "<td>".$emp['NUMBEROFPEOPLETESTED']."</td>";
//echo "<td>".$emp['NUMBEROFPHARMACYSITESOPERATION']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

The code above is the submit part of the form. Here is where I can't get the link type submission working.

after either the lookup or the link the form then goes to the edit section of the form. Here is where I need a redirect back if the data is more than 5 days old code below
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $stmt);

while (($emp = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_BOTH)) != false) {
// Is the data more than 5 days old?
$CheckDate = $emp['DATERECORDED'];
//echo 'Date Recorded - ', $CheckDate.'<br>';
$mydate = date_create($CheckDate)->format('d-M-y');
//echo 'My Date - ',$mydate.'<br>';
$threshold = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-5 days"));
$threshold = date_create($threshold)->format('d-M-y');
//echo 'Threshold - ', $threshold.'<br>';
$value = $threshold - $mydate;
echo 'Value - ',$value.'<br>';

If ($value < '-5' || $value > '0') {
echo 'This data is more than 5 days old'.'<br>'; //Maybe pass a var back to the submission part to show an error??
header( "Location: ?chronoform=Change_Pharmacy_Main_Form&gpage=Main_Form");// results in too many redirects error!!
else {
$this->set("OracleReference", $emp['REFERENCE']);
$this->set("OracleSiteID", $emp['SITEID']);
$this->set("OracleSiteName", $emp['SITENAME']);
$this->set("OracleWhatIsYourName", $emp['WHATISYOURNAME']);
$this->set("OracleDateRecorded", $emp['DATERECORDED']);
$this->set("OracleNumberPositive", $emp['NUMBEROFPOSITIVELFTTESTS']);
$this->set("OracleNumberVoid", $emp['NUMBEROFVOIDLFTTESTS']);
$this->set("OracleNumberNegative", $emp['NUMBEROFNEGATIVELFTTESTS']);
$this->set("OracleNumberInOperation", $emp['NUMBEROFPHARMACYSITESOPERATION']);

Can anyone please help me sort this out?

SwingeyP 17 Feb, 2021
I solved this by using the Joomla article ID as the URL.
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