
Load CFV7 Form in Wordpress Widget Position

towd 30 Jan, 2021
I am using Chronoforms Version 7.0.7 for WordPress. For testing purposes, I am using the default 2020 or 2021 WP themes.

I have successfully built several CFV7 forms that work just fine on pages & posts. There's one particular form that needs to go in a side bar. I have tried including it in a text widget using the appropriate shortcode, but that method does not work.

I have tried including the shortcode directly in the theme template file using the method shown below, but this does not work either.
<?php echo do_shortcode("[Chronoforms chronoform=contact-form]");?>
There was a previous post in this forum last year that followed similar efforts for CFV6. I have tried using/modifying some of the code shown towards the end of the thread linked below... but haven't been able to get the form to be displayed.

Any thoughts/ideas on how to get a form to display in a sidebar location in WordPress?
Max_admin 04 Feb, 2021
are there any requirements for the do_shortocode function to work with any plugin ? because Chronoforms7 registers a shortcode in the main plugin file, but for some reason the do_shortcode does not work!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
m.pradel 16 Feb, 2021
Hi Max,

I have the same problem (v 7.0.7). The Shortcode [Chronoforms chronoform=kontakt] only works in pages/post?!

Any Idea how to get the shortcode work outside the pages/post?

UPDATE: Found out, that when the same form is loaded via shortcode on the page/post with the same shortcode in the widget area, both forms (in page/post and widget) are displayed.

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