
Chronoform translate The moon......

Joomron 23 Jan, 2021

how can i translate the names in security image...... The moon to De maan

I want to translate it into Dutch and German.

Wait for your response.


Greetings Ron
Joomron 04 Feb, 2021

noboddy how can help me?

Greatings Ron
Joomron 04 Feb, 2021

really no one can help me?

I want to buy Classic 3 keys (2 + 1 free) but if this can't be translated I have to look for something else!

So could anyone comment please.

Greetings Ron
Joomron 05 Feb, 2021

1 day later now reaction here, and also now reaction of support mail chrono!


Am I the only one with this problem?And can it not be solved?


Max_admin 06 Feb, 2021
Hi Ron,

Apologizes for the late reply!

you will need to use translation strings in the global settings, instead of the "The moon", use "MOON", then in your form Advanced settings you should define the MOON language string, you may also define it in a global translation file for CF7
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
V!ncent 16 Dec, 2022
Hi Max,

Do you have the list of all the possible image names of the security image.
Otherwise I have to try the form dozens of times ;-)

Max_admin 20 Dec, 2022
You can find and change all of them in the CF7 Settings admin page.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ? 01 Feb, 2023
Hi I am trying to translate the Label names of the contact form: (Name, Email, Phone and so on..)

I have tried adding:
MY_NAME = "Navn"
MY_EMAIL = "Epost"
etc.. to all the following translation files:
administrator/components/com_chronoforms7/chronoforms/locales/file/Local - en_GB.ini
administrator/components/com_chronoforms7/chronoforms/locales/file/Local - nb-NO.ini

In addition I tried adding them to "Joomla Translation overrides" (System -> Language Overrides -> New etc..)

and then in the input field "Label" for the field name I tried replacing the static string "Name" with {l:MY_NAME} (as I did in chrono v6)
but that doesn't seem to work anymore in V7.

What is the syntax for chrono7 form to pick up the translation from either of these files? or joomla core (language overrides) or elsewhere?

Could you try to be more specific when it comes to translating the labels of the form fields?

M 01 Feb, 2023
Nevermind the last reply - figured it out from here:
You have to add the translations in the forms settings -> Advanced Settings -> "Add Locale"..
Then the old syntax {l:MY_NAME} f.ex is still valid in the inputs Label field
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