
Default font color of editor in ChronoForums

ChrisKri 15 Jan, 2021
I have installed ChronoForums on our Joomla site (latest release) - and it works good so far.

Only Problem is - when I create a new post, the default font color of the editor is white - on a white background !

Somebody out there who can tell me how to change the default font color of the editor to black ?

This would solve a lot of headache I have because of this problem.

Thank you in advance. for your help.


PavellabIND 22 Apr, 2021
You can change the color in the css table of your site, this is one of the options that I considered the best, this is my subjective opinion

Right-click on the block with the text, and select "view code" select the selector

and add to the css table of your site

.example {color: # 555 !important;}
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