Sunday[2] => Monday[3] => Tuesday[4] => Wednesday[5] => Thursday[6] => Friday[7] => Saturdaytab_agenda...[days] => ["1", "2"]...In image 01 shows how it is currentlyIn image 02 shows how I need it to be​​​"> Multiple choice drop-down menu - Forums


Multiple choice drop-down menu

rafaelscouto 29 Dec, 2020
Good afternoon

I need to solve a problem.

I have a drop-down menu of multiple choice, which I load the data from a database.
This data is being saved as follows:

When updating the data I use this: {data.jsonen: HoraAtend.dias},
in the bank table it is registered like this: ["1", "2"] for example.

I need that, when viewing the update event, the data is loaded in this drop-down menu, as well
how it works in any other. But I don't know how to do it when the Multiple Choice option is

I hope you understand.

In short, items are not activated

Table data

[1] => Sunday
[2] => Monday
[3] => Tuesday
[4] => Wednesday
[5] => Thursday
[6] => Friday
[7] => Saturday

[days] => ["1", "2"]

In image 01 shows how it is currently

In image 02 shows how I need it to be

Max_admin 02 Jan, 2021
you will need to call {data.jsonde:HoraAtend.dias} as the dropdown value, v7 has a "Read Data" setting to convert the field value when it's loaded!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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