
chronoforms6 googlemap widget

peppelaria 28 Dec, 2020
Hi, is it possible to add more params to places array?
actually i can create an array with ids and contents.
I need a way to show the company name near the marker.
Is it pssible?

Thanks in advance
Max_admin 02 Jan, 2021
the places can have any number of params, what did you try exactly ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
peppelaria 03 Jan, 2021

Hi Max, happy new year.
I need to show the place name near the marker as shown in the image.
Can I do it with chronoforms maps widget?
What is the right parameter to pass in the array in order to achieve this result?

I'm trying this way:

"id" => "somePlaceId", "content" => "popupContent", "name" => "placeNameToShow".

may be "name" is not the correct param or is possible to pass via array only id and content?

please let me know
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