actions_config[18]["upload_path"] = $path;​When submit form, the folder is created but the image not uploaded.If I set the path as JPATH_SITE."/images/" the image is uploaded in this folder.Are there any problems uploading the file to a newly created folder?Thanks"> Create dynamic folder for upload file - Forums


Create dynamic folder for upload file

doc81 02 Dec, 2020
Hi, I see other post like this and follow the steps suggested, but I can't get the result.

I have a form with name, surname, file upload inputs.
I add a custom code to create a folder with dynamic name and set the upload path:

$nome = $form->data['Nome'];
$cognome = $form->data['Cognome'];
$total_name = $nome.'-'.$cognome .'-'.rand(0,1000);

$path = JPATH_SITE."/images/".$total_name;

JFolder::create($path, $mode);

$form->actions_config[18]["upload_path"] = $path;

When submit form, the folder is created but the image not uploaded.

If I set the path as JPATH_SITE."/images/" the image is uploaded in this folder.

Are there any problems uploading the file to a newly created folder?

Max_admin 04 Dec, 2020
Use v7, build the path in a PHP action and use the {var:php_name} in the path setting!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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