Hi indieben,
As a developer, I don't think you are aware of the actual development processes involved. I could be wrong, but from what you've said, I don't think you are a developer (ie. someone who writes code). In that light, I'll respond.
Forms that have been coded once by a developer can be reused by the Developer meaning that there is no real time saved unless the Developer just didn't bother to save their code.
For simple, common forms, yes sometimes. Yet we aren't talking about simple forms are we? Creating a contact form is trivial, and yes, you could just save the code to be re-used later. It might take some minor tweaking for a new site. But if all you need are simple forms like that, there are plenty of other extensions that can handle that sort of thing. There even extensions just for that one use-case.
But, as a blanket statement,
it just simply isn't true. Yes, I save snippets of code that I use often. But 90% of the forms I develop are
very client specific, and
not applicable to other clients, or even other forms on the same site.
Joomla has many additional options as plugins that are turned off by default and can be activated. Something like a contact form is essential to the vast majority of websites and not something to be considered as an optional extra.
You reference a Contact Form. Yes, some can be simple. But in my career, I've seen literally hundreds of variations: Different fields, different ways the info is saved, different actions taken when it's saved. Take a look at the Contact Form extensions on the Joomla site. There are quite a few, each meeting the needs of different people.
Sure there are parts that are available within Joomla that aren't active by default. But you might want to examine the nature of these. They are all related to what Joomla is: a web site management tool. It takes care of a lot of the nuts and bolts like user accounts, session management, basic menus, etc.
But also note what isn't a part of the Joomla installation:
- Templates (not counting the default template which is there just so you can see the site after installation)
- Sales Storefronts
- Accounting
- Custom Form development
- And 1000's of other extensions, all of which add to Joomla on a selective basis.
Joomla does include a couple of essential forms: User Login, Logout, and New User. It does not contain a general purpose form creation tool, nor should it. Many, if not most, users will never need a custom form. The "extras" included in the distribution are things used by many, many users.
But not features used by a very small minority