
Load from DB, edit and save to db (update)

luken 08 Nov, 2020
Hey there,

I've got a question about editing a dataset and save it to the same db table as I loaded from.

In DB Read I use "Populate Field". The table fields with setting the relating field names in the style "modelread.tablefield" show the data. That works.

But how about saving changes? I mean, when I set "update" and "whole form field" in DB Save action, nothing really is saving. Thats obviously, cause all fields are named with "modelread.tablefield" but actually the field names have to fit just the table field names... How can I fix that?
luken 09 Nov, 2020
Okay, meanwhile I got it!
Max_admin 11 Nov, 2020
if your fields names have the model then you may add this to the "Save Data" data sets setting:
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
angelmorales 16 Mar, 2021
Hi , I have a Question , in this excercise how do you search the data to show into the "modelread.tablefield", I mean , how do you add a search field that works with luken's exercise.
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