
How do I get content in emails sent on form submission?.

dnigra 26 Oct, 2020

I am migrating from CF5 to CF7. I can't get any content in the emails that I send after form submission.

I've tried {email_content} but all I get is a table with the field names in them, but no content, see attached.

I've also tried the CF5 way, using either {fieldname} or even $form->data["fieldname"] but those strings just get echoed as well.

What should I use? Is there a way to use a custom format for the email as there was in CF5?

Is there a manual for CF7? I've seen the video tutorials but none of them address this.

Thank you for your help!
Max_admin 27 Oct, 2020
The {email_content} should have the fields values, what happens when you enable the form debug ? what does it show after the form is sent ?

Please verify that your form has a start and end pages!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dnigra 27 Oct, 2020
I think the problem lies in the sandbox server we are using to test as we transition to a Word Press site from a Joomla site.

I will check on that and get back to this thread if that is not the case.
Thank you again.
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