
CF6 - where did the field ID go?

Elita 15 Oct, 2020
Hi, was a bit surprised that CF7 had lost the definable field ID (it cannot be defined by the user) - it took me a time to find the ID so I can address it in JS - seems that it copy Name field and changes it by some rules. E.g. if I have my_field, i get the ID my_field. If I have Name my-field, I get an ID my_field automatically. It would be nice If it is shown somewhere in my thoughts.
Max_admin 16 Oct, 2020
Hi Elita,

For most users the ID is not necessary, if you want to control it then use the "HTML Attributes" behavior!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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