
Read data on a dropdown field

Hi, so the title gets my question, i need to know how read the data that the user selects in my dropdown menu. I use the shortcode {data:field_select26} (see the image) and it doesn't return anything. In the images you can see that i tried to use this data for a where conditions, i tried with a text field and the same result, it doesn't return anything.
Sorry for the easy question!

Max_admin 23 Sep, 2020
better use v7 for this, what are you trying to do with the form ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
marcosezequielmelgarejo 23 Sep, 2020
Hi Max, i already solved the problem. I just use a submit button for update the data, and then when it refresh the shortcode that i use recieves a value, before this refresh it doesn't have any value!
PD: I don't use the v7 because the documentation is limited! But it seems better for this kind of problems.
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