
autocomplete extra params

peppelaria 16 Sep, 2020
Hi all. I was wondering if ther's a way to pass additional parameters besides the input value to filter the results populating the autocomplete, may be data values (id:{data:id})?
i tried this way and it doesn't work.
for example, i need to pass: "autocompletevalue=test&id=1"
Thanks for your help
Max_admin 16 Sep, 2020
the whole form data is passed, you can use {data:field_name} in your where conditions!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
peppelaria 17 Sep, 2020
Hi max, as you can see in the debugger, only the text of the autocompleter ("seriesToMerge") is passed to the autocomplete event
    [chronoform] => organizereventsmanager
    [event] => get-series-to-merge
    [tvout] => view
    [seriesToMerge] => test
    [_] => 1600349535997
    [Itemid] => 389
    [option] => com_chronoforms6
    [view] => form
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2020
Do you have the latest v6 update ?

If yes then I find no solution for this but to install v7 and use it instead!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
peppelaria 17 Sep, 2020
anyway is not so important, i needed it to exclude the selected item in the query, but i managed preventing the user to do operations with the same item using some javascript to warn and disable subission.

Thanks and have a good day
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