
template issue

teldrive 08 Sep, 2020
I have issues with templates, I can't see colors option or icons, I tested with default joomla(protostar) and with gantry, in both there are not color options or for example icons on demo listing form, I have joomla 3.9.15, php 7.3.21 and cf7 validated
Max_admin 08 Sep, 2020
yes, the latest v7 update has some changes and the demo forms were not updated, this is supposed to be fixed in the next update, but only the articles listing demo forms is affected I believe!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 08 Sep, 2020
I found this workaround with html+phpenable
echo ($pagado ? "<i class='fa fa-check' style='font-size:24px;color:green;'></i>":"<i class='fa fa-times' style='font-size:24px;color:red;'></i>");
Max_admin 09 Sep, 2020
the fa icons will work on your website because I think you have fontawesome loaded, but for CF7, you should use <i class="faicon check"></i>, CF7 will include FA icons included in that format!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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