
Do NOT email uploaded files?

megana 02 Sep, 2020
Does anyone know how to have a form NOT attach uploaded files to an email in CFv7? I have a pretty simple form that has a video upload field. I don't want to send the video via email, because videos can be large, I just want to include the URL to the video in the email body.

I remember the good old days where getting an attachment in an email took some extra steps to set up. Now with this new version it just did it for me, but for once I don't want it to!
Max_admin 03 Sep, 2020
Hi Megana,

The file field "Data" behaviors has the "attach" behavior enabled by default, remove that and it will not be attached.

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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