
CC6 Manual

rasheed1011 24 Aug, 2020

Is there a CC6 Manual that i can follow?

I have table view which fetches data from a DB table including currently assigned employee for each record. I have added selector to the view so there is a check box beside each row of the table. I have a dropdown(above the teal button) with employee names in it. on submitting the button(teal) button in snapshot, I want to update in the DB, the currently assigned employee for each selected record with the value which is selected in dropdown box.

Also how to display the search button beside the dropdown box instead of below it.


Max_admin 29 Aug, 2020
Put both of them inside a Multi field area
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rasheed1011 29 Aug, 2020
I have issue in chronoconnectivity 6
is there a manual for chronoconnectivity with instructions with multi row update?

demo form is not of any help if we dont know step by step instructions.
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2020
Hi Rasheed,

If you need to update multiple records at once then use ChronoForms v7 with a loop action and the Save Data action inside the Loop action!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rasheed1011 20 Sep, 2020
I need to fetch data from 2 tables and display in tabular form along with check box beside each row. which user can select And then update it. How can I achieve this in CFV7?

Is there a manual for CFV7? I have paid for the product and I expect documentation and detailed explanation ofproduct features and functionality.
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