
How to create a data source?

Daniac 21 Aug, 2020

I would like to display values from a database in a dropdown.

To realize this I have assigned the Dynamic Options to the Advanced Settings of the dropdown.
A data source must be assigned in the configuration of the Dynamic Options, but i can't find a way to create it.

I looked in the settings of the dropdown, of the form and of chronoforms but found nothing.
How can i create a data source?

Thanks and best regards!
Max_admin 23 Aug, 2020
Hi Daniac,

Your form must be an "advanced form", is it ?

if its then you just need to add a "Read data" action to the same page and that will appear in the data sources.

If your form is a "contact" form then it's still not possible to do the switch, that's supposed to be possible in the next update!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Daniac 24 Aug, 2020
Hi Max,

that was it, my form was actually a contact form.
I created a new advanced form and could make all settings.

But I miss one setting, is it still possible to access external databases in ChronoForms 7?

Many thanks for the support!
Max_admin 25 Aug, 2020
Not yet, a future update will add the external database feature!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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