
How to Add a Background Colour to an individual Form Field and/or a Background image?

notvinnie 18 Aug, 2020
Good Morning All,
How do I change the background colour of a specific field and possibly make the text the user types into that field, stronger / bold?

Additionally, can I add a background image to a specific field? If so, how?

Is any of this achievable using "additional attributes" ?

If all of this is doable, I will be looking to purchase Chronoforms for 3 sites / urls that I am working on. Can these 3 sites have 3 different forms?

Many Thanks

GreyHead 19 Aug, 2020
Hi Vinny,

You can use Custom CSS to change the formatting of input fields.

And, yes, your sites can have different forms.

notvinnie 25 Aug, 2020
Hi Bob,

How can I change the formatting of the input field please?

For example if my field was "Make" or "Model" and I wanted either a Cream coloured background or maybe an image of a drawing of a vehicle in the background of the field.

Many Thanks for any help you can offer.

Best Regards
GreyHead 27 Aug, 2020
Hi Vinny,

If you look at the form HTML using your browser Web Developer tools you will see that the input has both a name and an id - you can use these to write your Custom CSS.

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