
Missing Icons in Calendar field

pixelhexe 30 Jul, 2020
I faced the problem with calendar fields, that the Icon Font for the next-/previous-Arrows were not loaded:

I could fix it with this small CSS code, which might help other people struggling with that:
i.icon.chevron::before {
font-family: Icons;
Max_admin 01 Aug, 2020
what if you test the new v7, same issue ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
pixelhexe 04 Aug, 2020
Hi Max,

yes, same issue - and same solution. BUT! I just made a little deeper investigation. The issue is produced by the icon font being used - might however concern others too. I am using the Ultimate pack of IcoMoon

In the ultimate.css this CSS rule evokes the error:

.icon {
font-family: 'ultimate' !important;

In HTML it also uses

<i class="icon" ...

as in Semantic UI

<i class="icon calendar" ...

Probably my workaround with the custom CSS in the form is the best solution here (?).
Max_admin 06 Aug, 2020
since both icons css use the same class then there will be a conflict for sure, your fix should be ok!

maybe try this:

.ui.form i.icon{
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
pixelhexe 06 Aug, 2020
Thank you for your suggestion, perfect now!
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