
Database read to stop multiple requests

Corne Strydom 24 Jul, 2020
Good day,

We have multiple contact forms on our website, that saves to one database.

What I would like to do is take one field say the telephone number field to check against. So if a client submit the form the first time it saves to the database as it does now, but then as soon as client submits a second form with the same number shortly after the form stops with a message we have already received a request with that telephone number today.

As far as I can gather it needs to be set up in a database read action, but I do not have clarity on how, can you please assist and point me in the right dirrection.


GreyHead 24 Jul, 2020
Hi Corne,

In the form On Submit event you can use a Read Data action to check if the phone number is already registered; and follow that by an event switcher which stops the form processing and shows your message if the number is duplicated.

Corne Strydom 24 Jul, 2020
Thank you GreyHead! I missed the event switcher part of the request. All sorted now.
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